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KICKSTART DAY 3: Connecting with & Inviting Friends & Family


Quote of the Day: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ––Anais Nin


To find people to help as a Coach in your upcoming Challenge Group, we start with the people closest to you.


Typically, they are going to be most willing to trust you and try what you have to offer. It is important to not prejudge anyone; meaning, don’t think you understand their circumstances so well that you decide for them if they’d be interested in being in your Group...give them the chance to make that decision for themselves.


If you created your initial Contact List of friends and family before you started this training, revisit it

again and see if you can add any names to the list you may have prejudged (use the Memory Jogger). {Both the memory jogger and contact list are linked below}


With your list in hand, now comes the fun part—time to connect and invite!


You’ve shared your story on social media and connected with a few people by sharing your Why with them, so your friends and family are aware that you are a new Beachbody Coach. Now, let’s invite them to join you in your first Challenge Group!


Don’t overcomplicate this step, keep it simple and be yourself! Let your friends and family know that you are looking for some great Success Stories to help launch your coaching business and that you really want to help them. Share your story with them and then ASK THEM TO JOIN YOU in your Challenge Group.


Example: [after you share your story] “You can see I’m really excited about coaching and I can’t wait to start helping people. My first focus is to help those closest to me and I’ve got a spot set aside for you. I’d love for you to join my Challenge Group and your positive experience in the Group would be a great help to me as I get my coaching business started. Can I send you some information about the Group?”


The Customer 5-Step Invitation Process can help give you additional ideas, watch the video, and read the PDF. {LINKED BELOW}


There are many mediums you can use to invite them to your Group, but remember the most impactful way is face-to-face. Of course, this isn’t always timely, so the next best thing is the phone.





1. Share with the Group how many people you’ve connected with today and on what platform
2. Post your upcoming Challenge Group on your social media page and tag your coach in the post.


3. Share with the Group your daily accountability and screen shot from your BAT (1. a quote from PD 2. your shake and workout today 3. write DONE to specify that you posted 3x on social today 4. write DONE to specify that you took 10 minutes to expand your network and do the 'inviting' exercise)


4. Review our February Team Call from Elyse Hubbard on building your business on Instagram. HERE....




Customer 5-Step Invitation Process PDF


Contact List


Memory Jogger

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